Tama and Friends (3丁目のタマ うちのタマ知りませんか? Sanchome no Tama: Uchi no Tama Shirimasenka??) is an anime series for young children, animated by Group TAC and produced by Sony Music Entertainment Japan.
The story is about two cats, named Tama, and Momo, who have adventures with other cats and dogs.
Tama and Friends is licensed in North America by 4Kids Entertainment.
- Tama (タマ?): An energetic cat who always wants to go on new adventures. Tama is owned by Casey.
- Momo (モモ?): Momo is a sweet and lady-like cat. Momo is owned by Amy. Tama has a secret crush on her.
- Pochi (ポチ?) / Doozle: Doozle is a dog who is constantly afraid of many things. He is owned by Tofu no Yamada (とうふの山田 Tōfu no Yamada?).
- Tora (トラ?) / Tiggle: Tiggle is a troublemaker that wants to convince his peers to try daredevil stunts. He is owned by Yuzuko Oketani (桶谷ゆず子 Oketani Yuzuko?).
- Beh (ベー Bē?) / Chopin: Chopin is a black cat that knows all of the short-cuts and hidden places in the town. His English-language name originates from Frédéric Chopin. His owner is Banta Kawahara (河原ばん太 Kawahara Banta?).
- Kuro (クロ?) / Wocket: Wocket is a hyperactive, athletic dog. He is owned by Yasushi Mikawa (三河やすし Mikawa Yasushi).
- Gon (ゴン?) / Bengbu: Bengbu is a Southern dog who is laid-back. He is owned by Zenji Noda (野田ぜんじ Noda Zenji).
- Koma (コマ?) / Pimmy: Pimmy is the youngest member of Tama's group and is seen as the group's "little sister".
- Nora (ノラ?) / Rockney: Rockney is a street-smart stray cat.
- Buru (ブル?) / Bupkus: Bupkus is a bulldog that bullies Tama's group and he has a crush on Momo. He is owned by Kaneko Kuramochi (倉持カネ子 Kuramochi Kaneko?).
- Takeshi Okamoto (岡本タケシ Okamoto Takeshi?) / Casey - Tama's owner, who enjoys riding his bicycle and stargazing.
- Kimie Okamoto (岡本キミエ Okamoto Kimie?) / Casey's mom - Casey's mother.
- Emi Hanasaki (花咲エミ Hanasaki Emi?) / Amy - Amy is Casey's friend and the owner of Momo. Amy has an annoying cousin named Jeannie (Hatsuko (はつこ)).
- Kasumi Hanasaki (花咲カスミ Hanasaki Kasumi?) / Amy's mom - Amy's mom
External links[]
- Official English website (Archive)
- Official website (Japanese)
- Tama and Friends (anime) at Anime News Network's Encyclopedia
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ar:تاما والأصدقاء zh:貓狗寵物街