Sarutobi Ecchan (さるとびエッちゃん?) is a magical girl manga series by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was originally named Okashina Okashina Ano Ko (おかしなおかしなあの子 Okashina Okashina Ano Ko?), but was changed in 1971 when Toei Animation adapted it into an anime called Sarutobi Ecchan. The anime was unsuccessful, and only lasted 26 episodes. It has been recently released on DVD as a part of the DVD ANCIENT SERIES.
Ecchan appears to be a normal little girl, but appearances can be deceptive. She is descended from the great ninja Sasuke Sarutobi, and possesses ninja skills of her own. Ecchan is also capable of all sorts of extraordinary feats: she can communicate with animals, possesses hypnotic and telepathic abilities, and is stronger and more intelligent than normal girls of her age. But despite all this, Ecchan is still only a young girl, and like any young girl makes mistakes. But with the help of her friends Miko, Taihei and her dog Buku, everything always turns out right.
Unfortunely since it was cancelled due to low ratings, Ecchan does not have a proper ending. The last episode focuses around an American Ecchan doppelganger named Eiko, who wants nothing more than to see Mount Fuji.
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it:Hela Supergirl ms:Sarutobi Ecchan pl:Hella Superdziewczyna pt:Okashina Okashina Anoko