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Sac-Anime is a semi-annual anime convention in Sacramento, California. The convention is the sister convention to the Sacramento Anime, Toy, and Comic Show, which is also known as Sac-Con.


Sac-Anime is the show where "Fans Come to Play". Their philosophy has always been to provide fun, safe, family friendly entertainment at a reasonable price. Sac-Anime began as an extension of our quarterly Comic, Toy and Anime Show (SAC-CON), which has been running in Sacramento, California since July 1, 1986. Originally a strictly comic book show, SAC-CON has grown to encompass all forms of pop-culture entertainment, with a large emphasis on anime & manga.

In 2004, the manager of Waldenbooks' Sunrise Mall store approached Sac-Anime with the idea of organizing an anime show to be held at the Sunrise Mall. Always willing to jump into the deep end without knowing how to swim, they gave it a try. Thus, on the last weekend in July 2004, Sac-Anime was born.

In January 2005, Sac-Anime was brought to the Scottish Rite Center, home of SAC-CON. It was a great success, with over 1000 fans in attendance. The following July, they returned to the Sunrise Mall. It was also a success, however due to problems inherent with a mall environment, they decided to move Sac-Anime back to the Scottish Rite Center, where it stayed for several years.

In August, 2009, due Sac-Anime's continued growth, the show was moved to the Radisson, which gave more room for special events. If the show continues to grow, rumor has it will move to another location, possibly the Sacramento Convention Center.

Event History[]

Dates Location Guests
July 30–31, 2005 Sunrise Mall
Citrus Heights, California
Katie Bair, Ron Lim, Steve Oliff, and Ben Seto.[1]
July 15, 2006 Scottish Rite Center
Sacramento, California
Akai SKY, Artbeat, Katie Bair, Jodon Bellofatto, Neil Kaplan, Ron Lim, Austin Osueke, Trina Robbins, and David Stanworth.[2]
January 13–14, 2007 Scottish Rite Center
Sacramento, California
Artbeat, Katie Bair, Jodon Bellofatto, Che Gilson, Ron Lim, Yoko Molotov, Austin Osueke, Spike Spencer, Amanda Tomasch, and {mid:night}.[3]
July 14–15, 2007 Red Lion Hotel Sacramento
Sacramento, California
Akai SKY, {mid:night}, Katie Bair, Crispin Freeman, Lisa Furukawa, Chris Hazelton, Yishan Li, Yoko Molotov, Chris Patton, PLID, Patrick Seitz, Spike Spencer, Amanda Tomasch, and Voltaire.[4][5]
January 11–13, 2008 Scottish Rite Center
Sacramento, California
Laura Bailey, Darrel Guilbeau, Metal Phyzix, {mid:night}, Vic Mignogna, The Slants, and Travis Willingham.[6][7]
August 29–31, 2008 Scottish Rite Center
Sacramento, California
Katie Bair, Jodon Bellofatto, Crispin Freeman, Che Gilson, Neil Kaplan, Liam O'Brien, Sam Riegel, and Spike Spencer.[8]
January 9–11, 2009 Scottish Rite Center
Sacramento, California
Akai SKY, {mid:night}, Vic Mignogna, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Lisa Furukawa and Tom Kane.[9][10]
August 29–30, 2009 Radisson Hotel
Sacramento, California
Roger Craig Smith, Paul Mercier, Alyson Court, Liam O'Brien, Karen Dyer (Sunday only)
January 1-3, 2010 Radisson Hotel
Sacramento, California
Vic Mignogna, Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Chris Sarandon
September 3-5, 2010 Radisson Hotel
Sacramento, California
Liam O'Brien, Ali Hillis, Mari Iijima, Steven Blum, Billy Martinez, Katie Bair and Jodon Bellofatto
January 7-9, 2011 Radisson Hotel
Sacramento, California


  1. ↑ "Sac-Anime 2005 Information". Retrieved 2008-04-01. 
  2. ↑ "Sac-Anime 2006 Information". Retrieved 2008-04-01. 
  3. ↑ "Sac-Anime 2007 Information". Retrieved 2008-04-01. 
  4. ↑ "Sac-Anime 2007 Information". Retrieved 2008-04-01. 
  5. ↑
  6. ↑ "Sac-Anime 2008 Information". Retrieved 2008-04-01. 
  7. ↑
  8. ↑ "Sac-Anime 2008 Information". Retrieved 2008-08-23. 
  9. ↑ "Sac-Anime 2009 Information". Retrieved 2008-11-12. 
  10. ↑

External links[]

Convention Reports[]
