Nanako SOS (ななこSOS Nanako Esu-ou-esu?) is a seinen manga series created by Hideo Azuma which ran in Popcorn and Just Comic (both published by Kobunsha) from April 1980 to July 1986. The series was adapted into 39-episode anime TV series produced by Kokusai Eiga which aired on the Fuji Television network from April 2, 1983 to December 24, 1983. Azuma created additional manga stories which ran in Azuma Magazine from July 2001 to July 2004.
Enoki Films held the North American distribution rights of TV series, under the name Nana the Supergirl, though the series was never aired in North America. The TV series has also aired in Italy, France, Germany and Russia.
Nana, is a young girl who unexpectedly acquires superpowers and at the same time loses her past memory as the unintended result of a scientific experiment gone awry. The mad scientist high school student who was running the experiment, Tomoshige Yotsuya, says he will help her regain her memories if she will join his detective agency. Nana innocently believes him, but Yotsuya's real intent is to use her powers to benefit his agency and himself.
The story unfolds as Nana encounters a variety of dangerous missions and mysterious events, but her natural sunny disposition helps her through all the incidents as she solves each mystery one after the other.
- Nanako (ななこ?)
- A shy young girl who has lost her memory. She can fly, has super strength, and can become a giant. She stays with Yotsuya and Shibuya, as Yotsuya has promised to help her get her memory back. They give her a costume and call her "SuperGirl". However, she is unaware that they only want her to help them fight crime. She experiences some strange things as a hero, for example turning into a boy named Nanano. At one point her powers disappear. She has a crush on Yotsuya. Voiced by: Reiko Kitō
- Tomoshige Yotsuya (四谷 智茂 Yotsuya Tomoshige?) (Eiichirō Yotsuya (四谷 永一郎 Yotsuya Eiichirō?) in the manga)
- A tall, pink-haired, leather-clad biker boy who is there when Nanako gets her powers. He is trying out his latest invention, a machine that can supposedly give a person super intelligence, when he finds Nanako. He promises to help her get her memory back, but he really only wants her to benefit his detective agency. However, he seems to develop feelings for her as time passes. Voiced by: Yūji Mitsuya
- Dr. Iidabashi (飯田橋 博士 Iidabashi Hakase?)
- Yotsuya's bespectacled classmate, best friend, and fellow detective. He has a crush on Nanako, but that doesn't stop him yelling at her when she does something wrong. He wants to be a mangaka. He is always the guinea pig for Yotsuya's experiments. Voiced by: Tōru Furuya
- Dr. Ishikawa (ドクター石川 Dokutā Ishikawa?)
- A strange man who is always chasing after Nanako. He seems to be from the military, and fights with a water pistol. Voiced by: Banjō Ginga
- Convenience Angel 7 (コンビニエンジ・セブン Konbini Enji Sebun?)
- A robot designed by Yotsuya. He sends 7 and 11 to follow Nanako and help her out when needed. Voiced by: Naoki Tatsuta
- Convenience Angel 11 (コンビニエンジ・イレブン Konbini Enji Irebun?)
- A robot designed by Yotsuya. He sends 7 and 11 to follow Nanako and help her out when needed. Voiced by: Kyoko Miyagi
Anime staff[]
- Directors: Akira Shigino, Yoshihiko Yamatani, Yoshinobu Shigino, Tetsuro Amino, Tsukasa Sunaga
- Scenarists: Masaru Yamamoto, Shikichi Ohashi, Asami Watanabe, Tomoko Ishizuka
- Character Designs: Tsuneo Ninomiya
- Animation Directors: Geki Katsumata, Shiro Murata, Tsuneo Ninomiya, Yoshiyuki Kikuchi, Masami Abe
- Music: Ichiro Nitta
- Production: Kokusai Eiga (Movie International Co., Ltd.), Fuji TV
# | Episodes | Originally Aired | Translation |
1 | 超能力の美少女 | 1983-04-02 | The girl with special abilities |
2 | 宇宙豆(そらまめ)の唄が聞こえる | 1983-04-09 | I can hear the song of the space bean |
3 | 悩める吸血少年!? | 1983-04-16 | Troubles of a young vampire!? |
4 | ボスとななこと機関銃 | 1983-04-23 | Boss and Nanako and the machine gun |
5 | オリーブは悪魔の匂い | 1983-04-30 | Olive is the scent of the devil |
6 | オリーブは悪魔の匂い | 1983-05-07 | The beautiful Ice Queen |
7 | 不思議の国のななこ | 1983-05-14 | Nanako of the Mysterious Country |
8 | 暴れていいとも! 筋肉娘 | 1983-05-21 | You may rage! Muscle Lady |
9 | 燃えろショジョ寺拳法 | 1983-05-28 | Blazing Shōjo Fist |
10 | アラブより愛をこめて | 1983-06-04 | From Arab with love |
11 | のんびりブッシュマン | 1983-06-11 | The peaceful bushman |
12 | ダイエット急行殺人事件 | 1983-06-18 | Diet express murder |
13 | セーラー服のサウスポー | 1983-06-25 | Southpaw's sailor uniform |
14 | 八ツ仮面村の怪!? | 1983-07-02 | Freak of the Hatsu Masked Village!? |
15 | ななこの決死圏 | 1983-07-09 | Nanako's desperate measures |
16 | オオカミ男だぜい! | 1983-07-16 | I am the Wolfman! |
17 | 怪人、百面相の涙 | 1983-07-23 | Tears of the Hundred-Faced Freak |
18 | 北の果て物語 | 1983-07-30 | Story of the end of the North |
19 | 漂流・100万年 | 1983-08-06 | Exile, a million years |
20 | ななこプロレスの味方です | 1983-08-13 | Ally of Nanako pro-wrestler |
21 | ひと夏の思い出 | 1983-08-20 | Memories of Summer |
22 | ななこハリウッドする | 1983-08-27 | Nanako goes to Hollywood |
23 | 南の島の秘宝 | 1983-09-03 | Treasure of the Southern Island |
24 | 異次元の冒険 | 1983-09-10 | Adventure in an alternate reality |
25 | ななこの料理パラダイス | 1983-09-17 | Nanako's culinary paradise |
26 | ななこ売ります | 1983-09-24 | Nanako for sale |
27 | ななこを愛したスパイ | 1983-10-01 | The spy who loves Nanako |
28 | わが心のバイオリン | 1983-10-08 | Violin in my mind |
29 | 大混戦!? 王女とななこ | 1983-10-15 | Riot!? The Queen and Nanako |
30 | スーパーボーイななお | 1983-10-22 | Superboy Nanao |
31 | 危うし!よろずカンパニー | 1983-11-05 | Watch out! Yoruzu Company |
32 | いけいけマリンウォーズ | 1983-11-12 | Go, go, marine wars |
33 | 小倉のプロポーズ大作戦 | 1983-11-19 | Kokura's proposal strategy |
34 | 消えた超能力!? | 1983-11-19 | The disappeared special abilities!? |
35 | 四谷にホレた天才少女!? | 1983-11-26 | The prodigy who appeared in Yotsuya!? |
36 | ななこのお見舞い日記 | 1983-12-03 | The day to visit Nanako |
37 | 星に願いを | 1983-12-10 | Wish upon a star |
38 | トキと駆ける少女 | 1983-12-17 | Toki and the running girl |
39 | また会う日まで | 1983-12-24 | Till the day we meet again |
External links[]
- Enoki Films page
- Nanako SOS (anime) at Anime News Network's Encyclopedia
- Digital Site page
it:Nanà Supergirl