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Lunn Flies into the Wind (るんは風の中 Run wa Kaze no Naka?) is the third anime OVA episode in the Lion Books series.[1].


The story is about a boy who falls in love with a girl in a poster advertisement[2].


It was re-released on DVD on March 21, 2003 on the same disk as Yamataro Comes Back.


  • Director: Osamu Tezuka
  • Screenplay: Nishimura Hiroshi
  • Picture Director: Katsui Chikao
  • Assistant Producer: Kubota Minoru
  • Production Chief: Enomoto Hiroshi
  • Art direction, art board, and background: Miyamoto Seiji
  • Original picture: Yoshimura Masateru, Seya Shinji, Kano Kaoru

See also[]


  1. World Art Russia. "World Art Russia Info." Lunn Flies into the Wind. Retrieved on 2006-12-12.
  2. Clements, Jonathan. McCarthy Helen. [2006] (2006). The Anime Encyclopedia: Revised & Expanded Edition. Berkeley, CA: Stone Bridge Press. ISBN 978-1-933330-10-5

External links[]
