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The anime is based on the manga series of the same title (above). The animation series by Toei Animation first premiered on Japan's TV Asahi on October 11, 1986. Masami Kurumada has said that he does not like the anime, but agreed to transfer the manga to anime because of a tradition of making an anime from every manga.

The first anime series was produced by Toei Animation from 1986 to 1989. It was directed first by Kōzō Morishita (episodes 1 to 73) and then by Kazuhito Kikuchi (episodes 74 to 114). The character designers were Shingo Araki and Michi Himeno, and Seiji Yokoyama composed the soundtracks. The chief scriptwriters were Takao Koyama and Yoshiyuki Suga.

The anime is divided very similarly to Kurumada's original manga. The series has three main parts: Sanctuary (episodes 1 to 73), Asgard (74 to 99), and Poseidon (100 to 114). The Asgard arc does not exist in the manga and was made directly for the anime.

The Hades arc from Kurumada's manga was not adapted to animation in the original series, but it was adapted starting in 2003 and released in OVA format. The project ended in 2008, finally fully adapting Kurumada's manga to animation.

There have also been five theatrical releases (three short movies and two full-length ones), which do not belong to the regular chronology, as they contain several storyline contradictions. The movies are Saint Seiya (Saint Seiya Gekijōban), The Heated Battle of the Gods (Kamigami no Atsuki Tatakai), The Legend of the Crimson Youth (Shinku no Shōnen Densetsu), Warriors of the Last Holy War (Saishū Seisen no Senshi-tachi) and Heaven Chapter ~Overture (Tenkai-hen Josō~Overture).

In the US, Saint Seiya was licensed to DIC Entertainment, and the home video rights were licensed to ADV Films. Two English dubs were produced. One, an edited dub produced in Toronto, Canada by DIC, was renamed Knights of the Zodiac, and was broadcast on Cartoon Network in 2003. This dub lasted 32 episodes, and was released to VHS and DVD by ADV Kids. The other dub, produced by ADV Films in Houston, Texas, was fully uncut, and lasted 52 episodes, and retained the original Saint Seiya name. It was released to bilingual DVD from ADV Films, but production ceased when Knights of the Zodiac was canceled on Cartoon Network. However in 2009, ADV's interest in Saint Seiya was raised (combining with ADV possibly licensing the overall rights to the series as opposed to just the Home Video rights), and re-released their uncut episodes to DVD in boxset format planning to release more, but production was once again ceased due to ADV's financial troubles. Saint Seiya's license status in North America is currently unknown or if more episodes will be released to DVD.

The anime series Saint Seiya (Knights of the Zodiac) consists of the following episodes.


Galaxian Wars Arc[]

# Title Original airdate
001 Revive! Legendary Hero
"Yomigaere! Eiyū Densetsu" (よみがえれ! 英雄伝説)
October 11, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
002 Burn! Meteor Punch of Pegasus!
"Moero! Pegasasu Ryūseiken" (燃えろ! ペガサス流星拳)
October 18, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
003 Cygnus! Warrior of the Ice Field
"Kigunasu! Hyōgen no Senshi" (キグナス! 氷原の戦士)
October 25, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
004 Dragon! Unrivaled Fist and Shield
"Doragon! Muteki no Ken to Tate" (ドラゴン! 無敵の拳と盾)
November 1, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
005 Miracle of Rebirth! Friendship of the Cosmos
"Kiseki no fukkatsu! Yūjō no Kosumo" (奇蹟の復活! 友情の小宇宙)
November 8, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
006 Phoenix! Look at Hades, Warrior!
"Fenikkusu! Jigoku wo mita senshi" (フェニックス! 地獄を見た戦士)
November 15, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
007 It is Stolen! The Gold Cloth
"Ubawareta! Gōrudo Kurosu" (うばわれた! 黄金聖衣)
November 22, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Black Saints Arc[]

# Title Original airdate
008 Win It Back! The Gold Cloth
"Taose! Ankoku Phoenix gundan" (倒せ! 暗黒フェニックス軍団)
November 29, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
009 Formidable Enemy! The Four Heavenly Knights of Darkness Manifest
"Kyôteki ! Ankoku shiten nô arawaru" (強敵! 暗黒四天王あらわる)
December 6, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
010 Beware Shiryu! The Cemetery of Cloths
"Ayaushi Shiryū! Cloth no hakaba" (危うし紫龍! 聖衣の墓場)
December 13, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
011 Life and Death Struggle! Terror of the Black Death Fist
"Shito! Kyofu no kokushiken" (死闘! 恐怖の黒死拳)
December 20, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
012 Catch! Nebula Chain of Friendship
"Tsukame! Yūjō no Nebyura Chēn" (つかめ! 友情の星雲鎖)
December 27, 1986 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
013 Burn Up! Punch of Flames
"Moe agare! Honoo no ichigeki" (燃えあがれ! 炎の一撃)
January 3, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
014 Defeated! The Illusion Demon Fist
"Yaburetari! Genmaken" (敗れたり! 幻魔拳)
January 10, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
015 Now It's Revealed! The Enigma of Ikki
"Ima akasu! Ikki no nazo" (今あかす! 一輝の謎)
January 17, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Pope Ares Minions Arc[]

# Title Original airdate
016 A Giant! The Fierce Attack of Docrates
"Kyodai! Docrates no moshu" (巨大! ドクラテスの猛襲)
January 24, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
017 Rescue! Saori's Crisis
"Sukue! Saori no kiki" (救え! 沙織の危機)
January 31, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
018 Great Rage! Ghost Saint of the Caribbean
"Dai abare! Karibu no Ghosts Saints" (大暴れ! カリブの幽霊聖闘士)
February 7, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
019 Life or Death! Bloody Battle of the Island of Spirits
"Seika shika! Makaito no kessen" (生か死か! 魔界島の血戦)
February 14, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
020 Desperate Battle! Shaina's Revenge
"Honki de tatakae! Shaina no gyakushu" (本気で戦え! シャイナの逆襲)
February 21, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
021 Passionate Misdeed! The Aurora Confrontation
"Hijo! Aurora no taiketsu" (非情! オーロラの対決)
February 28, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
022 Rebirth of the Flame! Invincible Ikki
"Honoo no fukkatsu! Fujimi no Ikki" (炎の復活! 不死身の一輝)
March 7, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Silver Saints Arc[]

# Title Original airdate
023 Silver Saint! Vain and Boastful Assassin
"Silver Saints! Hokori takaki shikaku" (シルバー聖闘士! 誇り高き刺客)
March 14, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
024 Fly Pegasus! Like a Comet
"Tobe Pegasus! Suisei no yo ni" (飛べペガサス! すい星のように)
March 21, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
025 Fight! The Rise of Athena
"Tatakae! Atena no moto de" (戦え! アテナのもとで)
March 28, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
026 Friend or Foe! Steel Saints
"Teki ka mitaka ka! Steels Saints" (敵か味方か! スチールセイント)
April 4, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
027 Stone Seiya! Shield of Medusa
"Seiya ga ishi ni! Medusa no tate" (星矢が石に! メドゥサの盾)
April 11, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
028 Dragon! Victory of Self-Sacrifice
"Dragon! Sutemi no ichigeki" (ドラゴン! 捨て身の一撃)
April 18, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
029 Kidnapped! Corvus' Army Calls Unexpectedly on Saori
"Yukai! Saori o osou karasu gundan" (誘拐! 沙織を襲うカラス軍団)
April 25, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
030 Rising Glow! Cosmo Light
"Moegare! Ai no Cosmo" (燃えあがれ! 愛のコスモ)
May 2, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
031 Evil Apparitions! Deadline of Life or Death
"Genma! no deadline" (幻魔! 生死のデッドライン)
May 9, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
032 Great Explosion! Death Queen Island
"Dai bakuhatsu! Death Queen to" (大爆発! デスクイーン島)
May 16, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
033 Dragon and Tiger Clash! No Light For Dragon Tears
"Ryuko Gekitotsu! Hikari naki Dragon no namida" (龍虎激突! 光なきドラゴンの涙)
May 23, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
034 Farewell Friend! Rest in Peace
"Saraba tomo yo! Yasuraka ni nemure" (さらば友よ! やすらかに眠れ)
May 30, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
035 Desperate Journey! Open Dragon's Eyes
"Kesshi iki! Hirake Dragon no me yo" (決死行! 開けドラゴンの目よ)
June 6, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Introduction of Gold Saints[]

# Title Original airdate
036 Amazing! Reality of the Twelve Gold Cloths
"Odoroki! Juni tai ni Gold Cloth" (驚き! 12体のゴールドクロス)
June 13, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
037 The Mask Cries Out! Love or Death?
"Kamen ga sakebu ! Ai ka shi ka" (仮面が叫ぶ! 愛か死か)
June 20, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
038 Clash! Gold Saint
"Geki totsu! Gold Saint" (激突! ゴールドセイント)
June 27, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
039 Speeding Light! Master of Exceeding Force
"Kosoku! Mach o koeru kyoken" (光速! マッハを越える強拳)
July 4, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
040 Go! The Official Departure
"Ikuzo! Oretachi no tabidachi" (行くぞ! 俺たちの旅立ち)
July 11, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

12 Zodiac Temples Arc[]

# Title Original airdate
041 Great Sanctuary Battle! Athena's Greatest Crisis
"" (聖域大決戦! アテナ最大の危機)
July 18, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
042 Cosmo's Desperate Situation! Seven Senses
"" (究極のコスモ! セブンセンシズ)
July 25, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
043 Big Bang! Battle of Taurus
"" (ビッグバン! 金牛宮の戦闘)
August 1, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
044 Gemini! Maze of Light and Dark
"" (双児宮! 光と闇の迷宮)
August 8, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
045 Panic! Adrift in a Different Dimension
"" (恐怖! 異次元への漂流)
August 15, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
046 Cry Out! Nebula Chains fight as One
"" (吠えろ! 攻防一体の星雲鎖)
August 22, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
047 Farewell Hyoga! Sleep, O Brave One!
"" (さらば氷河! 勇者よ眠れ)
August 29, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
048 Dragon! Revival in the Land of Death
"" (ドラゴン! 甦れ死の国から)
September 5, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
049 Love! Shunrei's Prayer
"" (愛! 春麗の祈り)
September 12, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
050 Arise Dragon! Shiryu's Angry Cosmo
"" (昇れ龍! 紫龍怒りのコスモ)
September 19, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
051 Why! Fang of the Gold Lion
"" (なぜだ! 牙をむいた黄金の獅子)
September 26, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
052 Ares! The Demon Emperor Plots
"" (アーレス! 伝説の魔皇拳)
October 3, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
053 That Man! Cassios Dies for Love
"" (男だ! カシオス愛に死す)
October 10, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
054 Ikki! Phoenix's Blazing Wings
"" (一輝! 翼をもがれた不死鳥)
October 17, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
055 Fellowship of Harm! Athena's Cry
"" (友情のきずな! アテナの叫び)
October 24, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
056 Shaka! Most Sacred Saint
"" (シャカ! もっとも神に近い男)
October 31, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
057 Aiolia's Fear! The Open Eyes of Shaka
"" (無の恐怖! 目をあけたシャカ)
November 7, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
058 Hero! Ikki Destroyed For Brotherly Love
"" (壮烈! 友情に散った一輝)
November 14, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
059 Revive Swan! Life, Death, and Love
"" (甦れ白鳥! 生と死と愛と)
November 21, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
060 Hyoga's Return! At Risk of Life
"" (氷河復活! この命かけて)
November 28, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
061 Surrender or Die! Scorpion vs. Swan
"" (降伏か死か! この翼ある限り)
December 5, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
062 Forge Ahead Hyoga! Proud and Brave
"" (進め氷河! 誇り高き勇者)
December 12, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
063 Be Heard! Sanctuary's Gold Cloth
"" (響け! 聖域のゴールドクロス)
December 19, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
064 Young Men! You are worthy of Athena
"" (少年よ! 君たちにアテナを託す)
December 26, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
065 Growling Excalibur! Shura vs. Dragon
"" (うなる聖剣! シュラ対ドラゴン)
January 2, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
066 Shiryu! Vanish Like a Star
"" (ああ紫龍! 星となって消ゆ)
January 9, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
067 Farewell! My teacher, my friends
"" (さらば! 我が師よ我が友よ)
January 16, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
068 Warrior of Beauty! Aphrodite
"" (美の戦士! アフロディーテ)
January 23, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
069 Demon Roses! Sweet Fragrance of Death
"" (デモンローズ! 甘き死の香り)
January 30, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
070 Peace! Shun's Last Smile
"" (安らかに! 瞬、最後の微笑)
February 6, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
071 Fire is going out In the Furnace! True Face of the Pope
"" (消える火時計! 教皇の正体)
February 13, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
072 Go Seiya! Get over the death of friends
"" (行け星矢! 友の死をこえて)
February 20, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
073 Gather, Friends! Toward Athena
"" (集え友よ! アテナのもとに)
February 27, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}


Asgard Arc[]

# Title Original airdate
074 Enemies of the Northern Pole! The Legendary God Warriors
"" (極北の敵! 伝説の神闘士)
May 14, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
075 Hilda! Goddess Imprisoned by Evil
"" (ヒルダ! 悪魔に魅入られた女神)
May 21, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
076 Great Giant Thor! Hatred of Cosmo
"" (巨人トール! 憎悪のコスモ)
May 28, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
077 Giant's Tears! Dying For Hilda's Cause
"" (巨星の涙! ヒルダのために死す)
June 4, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
078 Bared Fangs! Northern Wolf Fenrir
"" (牙むく! 北の狼フェンリル)
June 11, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
079 Sorrow! Fate of the Northern Wolf Pack Blow
"" (哀れ! ノーザン群狼拳の宿命)
June 18, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
080 Flowing Snowfield! Sad Howling
"" (氷原に消ゆ! 悲しき遠吠え)
July 2, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
081 Freya! Love Tells of the Life/Death Struggle
"" (フレア! 愛ゆえの死闘)
June 25, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
082 Dancing Swan! Scorching Hell in the Ice
"" (舞え白鳥! 氷中の灼熱地獄)
July 9, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
083 Bewitching Harp! The Prelude of Death Tempts Shun
"" (妖しの竪琴! 瞬を誘う死の序曲)
July 16, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
084 Decree of Death! String Requiem
"" (死の宣告! ストリンガー葬送曲)
July 23, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
085 Hero's Grief! Frozen Hatred
"" (哀しみの勇者! 凍てついた憎悪)
July 30, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
086 Phoenix! Crimson Blazing Wings
"" (不死鳥! 真紅に燃える翼)
August 6, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
087 Demon's Amethyst! Saint's Cemetery
"" (魔の紫水晶! セイントの墓場)
August 13, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
088 Sword of Flame! Dreadful Ambition
"" (炎の剣! 恐るべき野望)
August 20, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
089 Impossible Viciousness! Forest of Spirits
"" (邪悪のいけにえ! 精霊たちの森)
August 27, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
090 Don't Look Back, Seiya! Cosmo of the Rising Dragon
"" (ふり向くな星矢! 昇龍のコスモ)
September 3, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
091 Glow Shun! Hidden Puzzle of the Dark Fang
"" (燃えよ瞬! 黒い牙に隠された謎)
September 10, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
092 Swirl! Shun's Desperate Use of the Nebula Storm
"" (うずまけ! 瞬 究極の星雲鎖)
September 17, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
093 Bud! Fate of the Twin Stars
"" (バド! 宿命の双子星)
September 24, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
094 Bond of Brotherhood! Syd Rests with his Ancestors
"" (兄弟の絆! シドよ祖国に眠れ)
October 1, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
095 Hero of Noble Spirit! Legendary Knight Reborn
"" (気高き勇者! 甦える伝説の騎士)
October 8, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
096 Dragon Against Dragon! A Fraction of a Second Leads to Victory
"" (龍対龍! 十万分の一秒の勝機)
October 15, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
097 Siren! Beautiful Melody of Death
"" (海魔女! 美しき死の調べ)
October 22, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
098 Appearance of a Miracle! Odin Robe
"" (奇跡の出現! オーディーンローブ)
October 29, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
099 Athena! Eternal Prayer of Noble Spirits
"" (アテナよ! 気高き永遠の祈り)
November 5, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Poseidon arc[]

# Title Original airdate
100 The Emperor of the seas, Poseidon! Holy War Once Again
"Kaiou Poseidon! Seisen Futatabi" (海皇ポセイドン! 聖戦ふたたび)
November 19, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
101 Smash! Mammoth Pillars of the Seven Seas
"Uchikudake! Nanatsu no Umi no Mammotsu Pirraru" (打ち砕け! 七つの海の巨大柱)
November 26, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
102 Mysterious Shine! Golden Bronze Cloths
"Shinki no kagayaki! Kiro no Buronsu Kurosu" (神秘の輝き! 金色の青銅聖衣)
December 3, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
103 Dangerous Shun! Dreadful Fangs of the Demon Beast
"Haoyaoshishi Shun! Osorubeki no Mayun no Kiba" (危うし瞬! 恐るべき魔獣の牙)
December 10, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
104 Death of the Demon Beast! Indestructible Golden Chains
"Mayu Shishubeshi! Fumetsu Gorudo Shaan" (魔獣死すべし! 不滅の黄金鎖)
December 17, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
105 Excalibur! In the right arm lies Shura's Spirit
"Ekusukaribā! Huan ni Yadoru Shura no Tamashii" (聖剣! 右腕に宿るシュラの魂)
December 24, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
106 The Dream Was in Vain! The Was the Scent of Death
"Yume mudan! Saikai wa Shino Nioi" (夢無残! 再会は死の匂い)
January 14, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
107 Hunter of Hearts! Heartless Lymnades
"Kokoro no Kariuudo! Ryumunadesu mujō." (心の狩人! リュムナデス無情)
January 28, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
108 Isaac! A Cold Hearted Man
"Aizakku! Kori no Kokoro Motsu Otoko" (アイザック! 氷の心を持つ男)
February 11, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
109 Hang in There Kiki! A Sorrowful Death Battle
"Ganbare Kiki! Kanashiki Shitō" (がんばれ貴鬼! 哀しき死闘)
February 18, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
110 Listen! The Beautiful Singing of Athena
"Kike! Utsukushiki Atena no Utagoue" (聞け! 美しきアテナの歌声)
February 25, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
111 Friends! Until Death Do Us Part
"Tomoyo! Shi no toki wa Issho da" (友よ! 死ぬ時は一緒だ)
March 11, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
112 Two Souls! Mystery of Poseidon's Resurrection
"Futatsu no Tamashii! Poseidon Fukkatsu no Nazo" (ふたつの魂! 海皇復活の謎)
March 18, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
113 Shoot Poseidon! The Golden Arrow
"Poseidon wo Ute! Ōgon no Ishi" (海皇を射て! 黄金の一矢)
March 25, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
114 Shine, Stars of Friendship! Eternal Legend of Youth
"Kagayake Yūjō no Hoshi Yo! Eien no Shōnen Densetsu" (輝け友情の星よ! 永遠の少年伝説)
April 1, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Hades OVA[]


The first 13 episodes of an OVA series corresponding to the Hades saga of the manga were broadcasted on Animax (a Japanese pay-per-view channel) from November 2002 to April 2003, and then released on DVD during the year 2003. Before that, the Hades saga could only be seen in the manga. These 13 episodes were named Hades - Chapter Sanctuary (Meiō Hades Jūni-Kyū Hen).

This OVA series was directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi, still with character designs by Shingo Araki and Michi Himeno, while the scripts were adapted from the manga this time by Michiko Yokote, and the soundtrack was entirely taken from Yokoyama's work on the previous TV series.

Two years after the first part of the Hades saga, Chapter Sanctuary, a second part was produced in 2005, to continue the adaptation of the Hades arc into anime. This second chapter was named Hades - Chapter Inferno Part 1 (Meiō Hades Meikai Hen Zenshō) and consists of six episodes. However, most of the original seiyū did not reprise their roles. For example, Masakazu Morita replaced Toru Furuya as the voice of Pegasus Seiya, Yūta Kasuya replaced Ryo Horikawa as the voice of Andromeda Shun, Hiroaki Miura replaced Koichi Hashimoto as the voice of Cygnus Hyoga, Katsuyuki Konishi replaced Hideyuki Hori as Phoenix Ikki, Takahiro Sakurai replaced Hirotaka Suzuoki as the voice of Dragon Shiryu and Fumiko Orikasa replaced Keiko Han as the voice of Saori Kido/Athena. Hideyuki Tanaka, however, reprises his role as the narrator. Hirotaka Suzuoki, the original voice actor of Dragon Shiryu, died on August 6, 2006 due to lung cancer.

On the same Animax channel, Toei Animation released the first two OVAs on December 17, 2005, followed by the next two on January 21, 2006. The last pair were released on February 18, 2006. Shortly after their TV broadcasting, which lasted for 2 months, the episodes were released on DVD in 2006.

This short OVA series was directed by Tomoharu Katsumata, again with character designs by Shingo Araki and Michi Himeno. The scripts were done by Yosuke Kuroda, and the soundtrack was still taken from Yokoyama's previous work on the TV series of 1986, but Yokoyama composed 2 new tracks for this OVA.

Saint Seiya Hades Inferno Part 2 (Kōshō)

On July 4, 2006, the newly-released Saint Seiya Vol. 15 manga (Japan Complete Version) brought the news: Hades - Chapter Inferno Part 2 (Meiō Hades Meikai Hen Kōshō) anime was started in July. Toei Animation officially announced the news on its website on July 18, 2006. Hades - Chapter Inferno Part 2, which contains 6 episodes in total, will be released from December, just like the first Meikai OVA series. The first two episodes of Inferno Part 2 will be released on Japan's Sky Perfect TV from December 15, 2006 to January 4, 2007, with the next two episodes on Sky Perfect from January 19, 2007 to February 1, 2007, and the last two from February 16, 2007 to March 1, 2007.[1]

Episode lists[]

Hades - Chapter Sanctuary[]

# Title Original airdate
001 The Start of a New Holy War
"Aratanaru Seisen no Hajimari" (新たなる聖戦のはじまり)
November 09, 2002 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
002 The Three of the Lament
"Dokoku no Sangin" (慟哭の三人)
November 09, 2002 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
003 The Shadow of the One Who Struggles
"Mometomo no kage" (蠢く者の影)
December 14, 2002 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
004 Expiation of the Immortal
"Hanshin No Shokutai" (半神の贖罪)
December 14, 2002 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
005 Transient Meeting
"Karisomeno Saidai" (かりそめの再会)
January 11, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
006 The Ancient Warrior
"Inishi no Tōshi" (古の闘士)
January 11, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
007 The Herd of Black Cloaks
"Kurooki ko ono mure" (黒き衣の群れ)
February 08, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
008 The Moment of Vacillation
"Shunjun No Toki" (逡巡の刻)
February 08, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
009 At the End of Restraint
"Kyoji No Hate" (矜持の果て)
March 08, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
010 The Golden Clash
"Konjiki No Gekitotsu" (金色の激突)
March 08, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
011 Shaking Sanctuary
"Shinkan No Sanctuary" (震撼の聖域)
April 12, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
012 The Cloth of Athena
"Athena no Kurosu" (女神の聖衣)
April 12, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
013 The Morning of the Resolution
"Ketsui no Aza" (決意の朝)
April 12, 2003 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Hades - Chapter Inferno Zenshou[]

# Title Original airdate
014 Cross Over! Acheron River
"Watare! Acheron no Kawa!" ()
December 17, 2005 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
015 The Tribunal Of Silence
"Shizuka naru Hôtei" ()
December 17, 2005 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
016 Legendary Saint Orphée
"Densetsu no Saint, Orphée" ()
January 21, 2006 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
017 Orphée, The Sad Requiem
"Orphée, Kanashiki Chinkonka" ()
January 21, 2006 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
018 Hades! A Surprising Possession
"Hades! Kyôgaku no Hyôi!" ()
February 18, 2006 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
019 Violent Battle! The Road to Giudecca
"Gekitô ! Judecca e no Michi!" ()
February 18, 2006 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Hades - Chapter Inferno Kousho[]

# Title Original airdate
020 God's punishment! Greatest Eclipse
"Shinbatsu! Gureitesuto Ekurippusu!" (神罰! グレイテスト·エクリップス)
December 15, 2006 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
021 Ikki! Sorrowful Punch
"Ikki! Dokoku no ken!" (一輝! 慟哭の拳)
December 15, 2006 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
022 Athena! Offer your Life
"Atena! So no inochi o kakete" (女神! その命をかけて)
January 19, 2007 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
023 Desperation! The Wailing Wall
"Zetsubō! Nageki No Kabe!" (絶望! 嘆きの壁)
January 19, 2007 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
024 Reunion! The Gold Cloths
"Shūketsu! Gōrudu Kurosu!" (集結! 黄金聖衣)
February 6, 2007 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
025 Farewell! Gold Saints!
"Saraba! Ōgon no Seinto!" (さらば! 黄金の聖闘士)
February 6, 2007 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Hades - Chapter Elysion[]

# Title Original airdate
026 The Deadly Battle to Elysion
"Erishion he no Shitō" (エリシオンへの死闘)
March 7, 2008 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
027 Gods of Death and Sleep
"Shi to Nemuri no Kamigami" (死と眠りの神々)
March 7, 2008 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
028 Gold Reinforcements
"Ōgon no Engun" (黄金の援軍)
May 2, 2008 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
029 Legendary God Cloths
"Densetsu No Goddo Kurosu" (伝説の神聖衣)
May 2, 2008 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
030 Awakening from Myth
"Shinwa yori no Kakusei." (神話よりの覚醒)
August 1, 2008 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
031 To the world where light overflows
"Hikari afureru sekai he" (光あふれる世界へ)
August 1, 2008 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}


# Title Original airdate
1 Evil Goddess Eris
"Saint Seiya Gekijoban/Jashin Eris" (聖闘士星矢)
July 18, 1987 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
2 The Heated Battle of the Gods
"Kamigami No Atsuki Tatakai" (聖闘士星矢 神々の熱き戦い)
March 12, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
3 Legend of Crimson Youth
"Shinku No Shōnen Densetsu" (聖闘士星矢 真紅の少年伝説)
July 23, 1988 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
4 Warriors of the Final Holy Battle
"Saishu Seisen No Senshi Tachi" (聖闘士星矢 最終聖戦の戦士たち)
March 18, 1989 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
5 Heaven Chapter - Overture
"Saint Seiya Tenkai-hen Jōsō ~Overture~" (聖闘士星矢 天界編 序奏 ~overture~)
February 14, 2004 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

Theme songs[]

  • TV-series ~ Sanctuary chapter (1 - 73)
    "Pegasus Fantasy" (ペガサス幻想(ファンタジー) Pegasasu Fantajī?) by MAKE-UP
When running in Canada and the United States as "Knights of the Zodiac", the theme song was Bowling for Soup's "I Ran (So Far Away)" - A cover of the hit 80's song by A Flock of Seagulls
  • Ending
    "Blue Forever" (永遠ブルー Eien Burū?) by MAKE-UP
  • TV-series ~ Asgard and Poseidon chapters (74 - 114)
    "Soldier Dream" (聖闘士神話(ソルジャードリーム) Sorujā Dorīmu?) by Hironobu Kageyama & Broadway
    "Blue Dream" (夢旅人 Yume Tabibito?) by Hironobu Kageyama & Broadway
  • OVA Hades ~ Sanctuary chapter : (1 - 13)
    "The Earth" (地球ぎ Chikyūgi?) by Yumi Matsuzawa
    "You and the Same Blue Sky" (君と同じ青空 Kimi to Onaji Aozora?) by Yumi Matsuzawa
  • OVA Hades ~ Inferno chapter : (1 - 12)
    "Warriors of the Goddess ~Pegasus Forever~" (女神の戦士 〜Pegasus Forever〜 Megami no Senshi ~Pegasus Forever~?) (Marina Del Ray)
    "Entrust to You ~My Dear~" (託す者へ 〜My Dear〜 Takusu Mono e ~My Dear~?) by Yumi Matsuzawa
  • OVA Hades ~ Elysion chapter : (1 - 6)
    "Warriors of the Goddess ~Pegasus Forever~" (女神の戦士 〜Pegasus Forever〜 Megami no Senshi ~Pegasus Forever~?) (Marina Del Ray); Composers: Masami Kurumada and Kacky. This version will include new images different from that of the Inferno Chapter.
    "The Garden of the god ~Del Regno~" (「神の園〜デル·レグノ〜」 Kami no Sono ~Del-Regno~?) sang by Ishibaki Yuuko composed by Masami Kurumada and Kacky.


it:Episodi de I Cavalieri dello zodiaco pt:Anexo:Lista de episódios de Os Cavaleiros do Zodíaco
