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Produced by Toei Animation and Nippon Animation, the anime series Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibōken is based on the manga series of the same name written by Riku Sanjo and illustrated by Kôji Inada. The series premiered in Japan on TBS on October 17, 1991 where it ran for 46 episodes until its conclusion on September 24, 1992.

The series uses two pieces of theme music, both composed by Koichi Sugiyama and performed by Jirou Dan. "Hurry Hero!!" (勇者よ急げ!! Yūsha yo Isoge!!?) is used for the opening theme, while "My Road, My Journey" (この道わが旅 Kono Michi Waga Tabi?), which was the original ending theme for Dragon Quest II, is used for the episodes' ending theme.

Episode listing[]

TV series[]

# Title Original Airdate
1 I'm the small hero Dai!!
"Ore wa Chiisana Yūsha Dai!!" (オレは小さな勇者ダイ‼)
October 17, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
2 I won't let you die Princess Leona
"Shinasete Tamaru ka Reona Hime" (死なせてたまるかレオナ姫)
October 24, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
3 Feel anger Dai! Shine Dragon's Emblem!!
"Ikare Dai! Kagayake Ryū no Monshō!!" (怒れダイ!輝け竜の紋章!!)
October 31, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
4 The hero's tutor Avan appears
"Yūsha no Katei Kyōshi Aban Tōjō" (勇者の家庭教師 アバン登場)
November 7, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
5 Avan Style Extreme Hero Training
"Aban-ryū Yūsha no Chō-tokkun!!" (アバン流·勇者の超特訓‼)
November 14, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
6 The Demon Lord Hadlar appears! Perform the special move Kaihazan
"Maō Hadorā Shutsugen! Kimero Hissatsu Waza Kaihazan!!" (魔王ハドラー出現!キメろ必殺技海波斬‼)
November 21, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
7 The sign of graduation is provisional, Hadlar VS Avan
"Sotsugyō no Akashi wa Karimen, Kessen!! Hadorā Tai Aban" (卒業の証は仮免、決戦‼ ハドラー対アバン)
November 28, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
8 Avan dies from a self-sacrifice spell!? Shoot the ultimate technique.
"Aban Jiko Gisei Jumon ni Chiru!? Ute, Saikō Waza!!" (アバン自己犠牲呪文に散る!? 撃て·最高技‼)
December 5, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
9 Goodbye Delmurin island! Journeying on a great adventure!!
"Saraba Derumurin-tō! Daibōken e no Tabidachi!!" (さらばデルムリン島!大冒険への旅立ち‼)
December 12, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
10 Wandering in the Monster's Forest! The King of Animals Crocodine appears
"Samayoeru Ma no Mori! Jūō Kurokodain Tōjō" (さまよえる魔の森!獣王クロコダイン登場)
December 19, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
11 The howling Void Axe! Great it with a hit of an Avan-style sword technique
"Unaru Shinkū no Ono! Mukaeute Aban-ryū Tōsappō" (うなる真空の斧!むかえ撃てアバン流刀殺法)
January 9, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
12 The one we call our teacher Avan, the memories left with the Magic Bullet Gun.
"Warera ga Shi Aban, Madan Gan ni Nokosareta Omoide" (我らが師アバン、魔弾銃に残された思い出)
January 16, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
13 The Youma Bishop Zaboera's trap Ah! The Fake Hero's party
"Yōma Shikyō Zaboera no Wana: A! Nise Yūsha Go-ikkō-sama" (妖魔司教ザボエラの罠 あ!?ニセ勇者御一行様)
January 23, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
14 The Demon Animal Army's blitz attack!! Rescue Kingdom Romos from its crisis!
"Hyakujū Madan Sō-shingeki!! Romosu Ōkoku no Kiki o Sukue!" (百獣魔団総進撃‼ ロモス王国の危機を救え!)
January 30, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
15 Why? Brass attacks Dai!! The cowedly Youma Bishop
"Naze? Dai o Osou Burasu!! Hiretsu nari Yōma Shikyō" (なぜ?ダイを襲うブラス‼ 卑劣なり妖魔司教)
February 6, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
16 Raise the shaking Pop! Of the small fragment of courage!!
"Furuiokose Poppu! Hito Kakera no Yūki o!!" (ふるい起こせポップ!ひとかけらの勇気を‼)
February 13, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
17 The Exorcism spell that calls a miracle!! Friendship now here...
"Kiseki o Yobu Haja Jumon!! Yūjō yo Ima Koko ni..." (奇跡を呼ぶ破邪呪文‼友情よいまここに...)
February 20, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
18 A direct hit from the emblem of anger!! Cool down the Beast King Crocodine
"Ikari no Monshō ga Chokugeki!! Hoeru Jūō Kurokodain" (怒りの紋章が直撃‼ ほえる獣王クロコダイン)
February 27, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
19 Cross the ocean Dai! The commanders of the Demon Lord's Army gather
"Umi o Watare Dai! Maōgun Roku-dai Gundanchō Shūketsu" (海を渡れダイ!魔王軍6大軍団長集結)
March 5, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
20 A frightening enemy appears!? The demonic swordsman Hyunckel!
"Osorubeki Teki Arawaru!? Maken Senshi Hyunkeru!" (恐るべき敵あらわる!? 魔剣戦士ヒュンケル!)
March 12, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
21 The focus of revenge is Avan!? The strongest sword of black hatred!!
"Chichi no Teki wa Aban!? Nikushimi no Kuroki Saikyō Ken!!" (父の敵は·アバン!? 憎しみの黒き最強剣‼)
March 19, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
22 The fighting spirits of darkness! "Toumakugutsushou" attacks Dai!!
"Ankoku Tōki! "Tōma Kugutsushō" ga Dai o Osou!!" (暗黒闘気!”闘魔傀儡掌”がダイを襲う‼)
March 26, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
23 Maam's danger! Work together to summon lightning!!
"Māmu no Kiki! Chikara o Awasete Inazuma o Yobe!!" (マァムの危機!力を合わせて稲妻を呼べ‼)
April 16, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
24 Rescue Maam! Infiltrate the underground Demon Castle, The Maze of Death!!
"Māmu o Sukue! Chitei Majō Sennyū, Shi no Meikyū!!" (マァムを救え!地底魔城潜入·死の迷宮‼)
April 23, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
25 Thank you for... The memories... A father's true voice!!
"Omoide o... Arigatō... Shinjitsu no Chichi no Koe!!" (思い出を...ありがとう... 真実の父の声‼)
April 30, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
26 Farewell lonely soldier Hyunckel!! Settled with the magic sword
"Saraba Kodoku no Senshi Hyunkeru!! Ketchaku no Mahō Ken" (さらば孤独の戦士ヒュンケル‼ 決着の魔法剣)
May 7, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
27 The ally from the sky!! Dai hurry to Leona
"Sora kara Kita Mikata!! Dai yo Isoge Reona no Moto e" (空から来た味方‼ ダイよ急げレオナのもとへ)
May 14, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
28 I'll protect Leona!! Showdown!! The Hero versus the commander of Ice and Flame
"Reona wa Ore ga Mamoru!! Taiketsu!! Yūsha Tai Hyōen Shōgun" (レオナはオレが守る‼ 対決‼勇者対氷炎将軍)
May 21, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
29 The Ice and Flame Barrier!! Ah! Leona becomes the frozen girl...
"Hyōen Kekkai!! Ā! Reona ga Kōreru Shōjo ni..." (氷炎結界‼ああ!レオナが涷れる少女に...)
May 28, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
30 Avan's close friend!? The Great Mage Matoriv's big training!!
"Aban no Shin'yū!? Dai-madōshi Matorifu no Dai-tokkun!!" (アバンの親友!? 大魔導士マトリフの大特訓‼)
June 4, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
31 The rescue mission for Leona! Landing at Valge Island
"Reona Kyūshutsu Sakusen no Hajimari da! Baruji-tō Jōriku!!" (レオナ救出作戦の始まりだ! バルジ島上陸‼)
June 11, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
32 The old enemy Hadlar!! Pop stand and face him with courage!!
"Shukuteki Hadorā!! Poppu yo Yūki de Tachimukae!!" (宿敵ハドラー‼ポップよ勇気で立ち向かえ‼)
June 18, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
33 The Soldier has returned!! The clash of Hyunckel versus Hadlar
"Senshi wa Fukkatsu Shita!! Gekitotsu Hyunkeru Tai Hadorā" (戦士は復活した‼激突ヒュンケル対ハドラー)
June 25, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
34 The radiance of life! The final fighting spirit Grand Cruss
"Inochi no Kagayaki! Saishū Tōki Gurando Kurusu!!" (いのちの輝き! 最終闘気·グランドクルス‼)
July 2, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
35 Flazzard's tenacity towards victory! The scattering flower storm of Bakudan Iwa
"Fureizādo Shōri e no Shūnen! Arashi no Dangan Bakkasan" (フレイザード勝利への執念! 嵐の弾岩爆花散)
July 9, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
36 It's done! The last secret technique of Avan Kuretsuzan!!
"Deta! Aban-ryū Saigo no Ōgi Kūretsuzan!!" (でたっ! アバン流最後の奥義·空裂斬‼)
July 16, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
37 Avan Strash!! Now... Slice everything...
"Aban Sutorasshu!! Ima... Subete o Kiru..." (アバンストラッシュ‼ いま...すべてを斬る...)
July 23, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
38 The path of the disciples of Avan.. And Maam's decision
"Aban no Shito no Michi... Soshite Māmu no Ketsui" (アバンの使徒の道...そしてマァムの決意)
July 30, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
39 The wonderful comrade Maam, until we meet again...
"Subarashiki Nakama Māmu yo, Mata Au Hi made..." (すばらしき仲間マァムよ、また会う日まで...)
August 6, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
40 Shopping at Bengarna!! Lets go to the Department store.
"Bengāna e Kaimono da!! Depāto e Ikō!" (ベンガーナへ買い物だ‼ デパートへ行こう!)
August 13, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
41 The super dragon army lands! Protect the town of Bengarna!!
"Chōryū Gundan Jōriku! Bengāna no Machi o Mamore!!" (超竜軍団上陸!ベンガーナの街を守れ‼)
August 20, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
42 The Mystic Kingdom of Teran... The sleeping legend of the Dragon Knight!
"Shinpi no Kuni Teran Ōkoku... Densetsu ni Nemuru Ryū no Kishi!" (神秘の国テラン王国... 伝説に眠る竜の騎士!)
August 27, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
43 The Dragon Commander Baran tells... The Dragon Knight's mission!
"Ryūkishō Baran wa Kataru... Ryū no Kishi no Shimei!" (竜騎将バランは語る...竜の騎士の使命!)
September 3, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
44 The bond between parent and child is a sad fate! The fight between father and child!!
"Oyako no Kizuna wa Kanashiki Sadame! Chichi to Ko no Tatakai!!" (親子の絆は悲しき運命! 父と子の闘い‼)
September 10, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
45 The strongest secret is the Dragon Fighting Spirit!? Protect our Dai!
"Saikyō no Himitsu wa Ryū Tōki!? Oretachi no Dai o Mamore!" (最強の秘密は竜闘気!? オレ達のダイを守れ!)
September 17, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
46 Stand up Dai! The hero's path is to eternity!
"Dai yo Tachiagare! Yūsha no Michi wa Eien ni!" (ダイよ立ち上がれ!勇者のみちは永遠に!)
September 24, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}


# Title Original Airdate
OVA 1 Great Adventure
"Gurēto Adobenchā" (グレート アドベンチャー)
July 20, 1991 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
OVA 2 Disciple of Avan
"Aban no Shito" (アバンの使徒)
July 3, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}
OVA 3 The Reborn Six Commanders
"Shinsei Rokudai Shoguo" (新生6大将軍)
November 7, 1992 {{{FirstEngAirDate}}}

See also[]


External links[]
