Dragon Ball is a Japanese manga, written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. The story follows the adventures of Son Goku, a child who goes on a life-long journey beginning with a quest for the seven mystical Dragon Balls. Along the way, he goes through many rigorous martial arts training regimens and educational programs, defeats a series of increasingly powerful martial artists, and becomes the top martial artist in the universe.
The series was published in the Japanese-language magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump.[1] The individual chapters were collected by Shueisha in a series of 42 tankōbon volumes; The first tankōbon was released in November 10, 1985, while the last one was released in August 4, 1995.[2][3] In 2004, the manga was re-released in a collection of 34 kanzenban, which included a slightly rewritten ending, new covers, and color artwork from its Weekly Shōnen Jump run.[1] There have also been two anime adaptations, both produced by Toei Animation. The first, also named Dragon Ball, adapted the first sixteen volumes of the manga.[4] The second one was titled Dragon Ball Z and adapted the other twenty-six volumes of the series.[5]
The distributing company Viz Media has released all 42 volumes in English in the United States. Viz titles volumes seventeen through forty-two of the manga Dragon Ball Z to reduce confusion for North American readers.[1] Both manga series were published since March 2003; the last volume of the first part was released in August 3, 2004, while the last one of the second part was released in June 6, 2006.[6][7] As of June 2008[update], Viz began re-releasing both manga series in a wideban format called "VIZBIG Edition", which is a collection of three volumes in one.[8][9] Viz includes the title pages from the series' original run in Weekly Shōnen Jump in a "Title Page Gallery" section at the back of each volume.[citation needed]
Volume list[]
Dragon Ball[]
No. | Title | Japanese release | English release |
1 | Son Goku and Friends Son Gokū to Nakamatachi (孫悟空と仲間たち) | November 10, 1985[2] ISBN 978-4-08-851831-2 | March 2003[10] ISBN 978-1-56931-920-8 |
2 | Critical Moment for the Dragonballs Doragon Booru Kiki Ippatsu (ドラゴンボール危機一髪) | January 10, 1986[11] ISBN 978-4-08-851832-9 | March 2003[12] ISBN 978-1-56931-921-5 |
3 | The Tenkaichi Budokai Begins!! Tenkaichi Budoōkai Hajimaru!! (天下一武道会はじまる!!) | June 10, 1986[13] ISBN 978-4-08-851833-6 | March 2003[14] ISBN 978-1-56931-922-2 |
4 | The Grand Finals Daikesshōsen (大決勝戦) | October 9, 1986[15] ISBN 978-4-08-851834-3 | March 2003[16] ISBN 978-1-56931-923-9 |
5 | The Terror of Muscle Tower Massuru Tawā no Kyōfu (マッスルタワーの恐怖) | January 9, 1987[17] ISBN 978-4-08-851835-0 | March 2003[18] ISBN 978-1-56931-924-6 |
6 | Bulma's Big Mistake!! Buruma no Daishippai!! (ブルマの大失敗!!) | March 10, 1987[19] ISBN 978-4-08-851836-7 | March 2003[20] ISBN 978-1-56931-925-3 |
7 | Pursuit!! General Blue Tsuiseki!! Burū Shōgun (追跡!!ブルー将軍) | May 8, 1987[21] ISBN 978-4-08-851837-4 | March 2003[22] ISBN 978-1-56931-926-0 |
8 | Goku's Charge Son Gokū Totsugeki (孫悟空突撃) | July 10, 1987[23] ISBN 978-4-08-851838-1 | May 2003[24] ISBN 978-1-56931-927-7 |
9 | When Worried, See Uranai Baba Komatta Toki no Uranai Baba (こまったときの占いババ) | September 10, 1987[25] ISBN 978-4-08-851839-8 | May 2003[26] ISBN 978-1-56931-928-4 |
10 | The Twenty-Second Tenkaichi Budoukai Dainijūnikai Tenkaichi Budōkai (第22回天下一武道会) | November 10, 1987[27] ISBN 978-4-08-851840-4 | May 2003[28] ISBN 978-1-56931-929-1 |
11 | The World's Greatest Super Battle!! Tenkaichi no Sūpā Batoru!! (天下一のスーパーバトル!!) | February 10, 1988[29] ISBN 978-4-08-851608-0 | May 2003[30] ISBN 978-1-56931-919-2 |
12 | The Terror of Piccolo Daimao! Pikkoro Daimaō no Kyōfu! (ピッコロ大魔王の恐怖!) | April 8, 1988[31] ISBN 978-4-08-851609-7 | September 3, 2003[32] ISBN 978-1-59116-155-4 |
13 | Son Goku's Counterattack!? Son Gokū no Gyakushū!? (孫悟空の逆襲!?) | June 10, 1988[33] ISBN 978-4-08-851610-3 | November 19, 2003[34] ISBN 978-1-59116-148-6 |
14 | More & More Action Sara Naru Hiyaku (さらなる飛躍) | August 10, 1988[35] ISBN 978-4-08-851611-0 | February 18, 2004[36] ISBN 978-1-59116-169-1 |
15 | Rivals Standing Their Ground! Gunyū Kakkyo! (群雄割拠!) | December 6, 1988[37] ISBN 978-4-08-851612-7 | May 19, 2004[38] ISBN 978-1-59116-297-1 |
16 | Dragon and Tiger Mutually Strike! Ryūko Aiutsu! (龍虎相討つ!) | February 10, 1989[39] ISBN 978-4-08-851613-4 | August 3, 2004[6] ISBN 978-1-59116-457-9 |
Dragon Ball Z[]
No. | Title | Japanese release | English release |
1 | A Never Before Seen Terror Katsute Nai Kyōfu (かつてない恐怖) | May 10, 1989[40] ISBN 978-4-08-851614-1 | March 2003[41] ISBN 978-1-56931-930-7 |
2 | Son Gohan and Piccolo Daimao Son Gohan to Pikkoro Daimaō (孫悟空とピッコロ大魔王) | July 10, 1989[42] ISBN 978-4-08-851615-8 | March 2003[43] ISBN 978-1-56931-931-4 |
3 | Hurry, Son Goku! Isoge! Son Gokū (いそげ!孫悟空) | November 10, 1989[44] ISBN 978-4-08-851616-5 | March 2003[45] ISBN 978-1-56931-932-1 |
4 | A Fateful Super Decisive Battle!! Tenkawakeme no Chōkessen!! (天下分け目の超決戦) | January 10, 1990[46] ISBN 978-4-08-851617-2 | March 2003[47] ISBN 978-1-56931-933-8 |
5 | Go For It! The Planet Namek Mezase! Namekku no Hoshi (めざせ!ナメックの星) | April 10, 1990[48] ISBN 978-4-08-851618-9 | March 2003[49] ISBN 978-1-56931-934-5 |
6 | The Namekians' Resistance Namekkuseijin no Teikō (ナメック星人の抵抗) | July 10, 1990[50] ISBN 978-4-08-851619-6 | March 2003[51] ISBN 978-1-56931-935-2 |
7 | The Terrible Ginyu Special-Squad Kyōfu no Ginyū Tokusentai (恐怖のギニュー特戦隊) | October 8, 1990[52] ISBN 978-4-08-851620-2 | March 2003[53] ISBN 978-1-56931-936-9 |
8 | Goku or Ginyu!? Gokū ka!? Ginyū ka!? (悟空か!?ギニューか!?) | January 10, 1991[54] ISBN 978-4-08-851414-7 | May 2003[55] ISBN 978-1-56931-937-6 |
9 | Freeza's Super Transformation!! Furīza Chōhenshin!! (フリーザ超変身!!) | March 8, 1991[56] ISBN 978-4-08-851415-4 | May 2003[57] ISBN 978-1-56931-938-3 |
10 | Son Goku... Revived!! Son Gokū...Fukkatsu!! (孫悟空…復活!!) | June 10, 1991[58] ISBN 978-4-08-851416-1 | May 2003[59] ISBN 978-1-56931-939-0 |
11 | The Legendary Super Saiyan Densetsu no Sūpā Saiyajin (伝説の超サイヤ人) | August 7, 1991[60] ISBN 978-4-08-851417-8 | May 2003[61] ISBN 978-1-56931-807-2 |
12 | The Boy From the Future Mirai kara Kita Shōnen (未来から来た少年) | November 8, 1991[62] ISBN 978-4-08-851418-5 | August 6, 2003[63] ISBN 978-1-56931-985-7 |
13 | Goku, Defeated! Gokū, Yabureru! (悟空、敗れる!) | March 10, 1992[64] ISBN 978-4-08-851419-2 | October 8, 2003[65] ISBN 978-1-56931-986-4 |
14 | Evil Premonition Jāku na Yokan (邪悪な予感) | June 10, 1992[66] ISBN 978-4-08-851420-8 | December 31, 2003[67] ISBN 978-1-59116-180-6 |
15 | Cell, Stealthily Approaching Shinobiyoru Seru (忍びよるセル) | August 4, 1992 [68] ISBN 978-4-08-851686-8 | April 14, 2004[69] ISBN 978-1-59116-186-8 |
16 | Cell's Perfect-Form Achieved!! Seru no Kanzentai Kansei!! (セルの完全体 完成!!) | November 2, 1992[70] ISBN 978-4-08-851687-5 | July 14, 2004[71] ISBN 978-1-59116-328-2 |
17 | The Cell Games Begin Seru Geemu Hajimaru (セルゲーム始まる) | December 26, 1992[72] ISBN 978-4-08-851688-2 | October 12, 2004[73] ISBN 978-1-59116-505-7 |
18 | The Warrior Who Surpassed Goku Gokū o Koeta Senshi (悟空を越えた戦士) | June 4, 1993[74] ISBN 978-4-08-851689-9 | January 4, 2005[75] ISBN 978-1-59116-637-5 |
19 | Goodbye, Warriors Sayōnara Senshitachi (さようなら戦士たち) | September 3, 1993[76] ISBN 978-4-08-851700-1 | April 5, 2005[77] ISBN 978-1-59116-751-8 |
20 | Birth of a New Hero!! Nyū Hīrō Tanjō!! (ニューヒーロー誕生!!) | November 4, 1993[78] ISBN 978-4-08-851495-6 | May 31, 2005[79] ISBN 978-1-59116-808-9 |
21 | The Plan Begins Moving Ugoki Hajimeta Sakusen (動き始めた作戦) | April 4, 1994[80] ISBN 978-4-08-851496-3 | August 2, 2005[81] ISBN 978-1-59116-873-7 |
22 | The Fated Showdown: Son Goku vs Vegeta Shukumei no Taiketsu Son Gokū Tai Bejiita (宿命の対決 孫悟空対ベジータ) | August 4, 1994[82] ISBN 978-4-08-851497-0 | October 10, 2005[83] ISBN 978-1-4215-0051-5 |
23 | Farewell, Pride-filled Warrior Saraba Hokori Takaki Senshi (さらば誇り高き戦士) | December 2, 1994[84] ISBN 978-4-08-851498-7 | December 5, 2005[85] ISBN 978-1-4215-0148-2 |
24 | The Earth Army's Last Secret Weapon!! Chikyūgun, Saigo no Himitsu Heiki!! (地球軍、最後の秘密兵器!!) | March 3, 1995[86] ISBN 978-4-08-851499-4 | February 7, 2006[87] ISBN 978-1-4215-0273-1 |
25 | Do Your Best, Super Gotenks-kun Ganbare Sūpā Gotenkusukun (がんばれ 超ゴテンクスくん) | June 2, 1995[88] ISBN 978-4-08-851500-7 | April 4, 2006[89] ISBN 978-1-4215-0404-9 |
26 | Bye Bye Dragon World Baibai Doragon Wārudo (バイバイ ドラゴンワールド) | August 4, 1995[3] ISBN 978-4-08-851090-3 | June 6, 2006[7] ISBN 978-1-4215-0636-4 |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Dragon Ball (manga)". Anime News Network. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 "DRAGON BALL 1" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 "DRAGON BALL 42" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball (TV)". Anime News Network. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z (TV)". Anime News Network. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 "Dragon Ball Vol. 16". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 26". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 1 (VIZBIG Edition)". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 1 (VIZBIG Edition)". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-08.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 1". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 2" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 2 (Paperback)". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 3" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 3". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 4" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 4". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 5" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 5". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 6" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 6". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 7" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 7". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 8" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 8". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 9" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 9". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 10" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 10". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 11" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 11". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 12" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball, Vol. 12". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 13" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Vol. 13". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 14" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Vol. 14". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 15" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Vol. 15". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 16" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 17" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 1". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 18" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 2". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 19" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 3". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 20" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 4". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 21" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 5". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 22" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 6". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 23" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 7". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 24" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 8". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 25" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 9". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 26" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 10". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 27" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 11". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 28" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 12". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 29" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 13". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 30" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 14". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 31" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 15". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 32" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 16". Amazon.com. Retrieved 2008-06-03.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 33" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 17". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 34" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 18". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 35" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 19". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 36" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 20". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 37" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 21". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 38" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 22". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 39" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 23". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 40" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 24". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "DRAGON BALL 41" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
- ↑ "Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 25". Viz Media. Retrieved 2008-06-02.
gl:Lista de mangas de Dragon Ball