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File:Cursed sword.jpg

The cover of the first volume of Chronicles of the Cursed Sword published by Yeo Beop-ryong

Chronicles of the Cursed Sword manga summaries by volume.

Volume list[]

Release dateISBNRelease dateISBN
01 1999ISBN -July 15, 2003ISBN 978-1-5918-2254-7
  • 001. "Two Sacred Swords"
  • 002. "Jaryoon, King of Hahyun"
  • 003. "The Raid"
  • 004. "A Common Enemy"
  • 005. "Soul of the PaSa Sword"
02 2000ISBN -September 09, 2003ISBN 978-1-5918-2255-4
  • 006. "Rey's Madness"
  • 007. "The Demon Tree"
  • 008. "A Decoy"
  • 009. "The Rage of the PaSa Sword"
  • 010. "Rey's Resolution"
03 2000ISBN -November 04, 2003ISBN 978-1-5918-2256-1
  • 011. "Cruel Memories"
  • 012. "The Thunder and Lightning Dervishes"
  • 013. "Rey's Secret"
  • 014. "A Single Hope"
  • 015. "The Tansa Monster"
04 2000ISBN -January 13, 2004ISBN 978-1-5918-2421-3
  • 016. "Training Session"
  • 017. "The Way of Chastity"
  • 018. "Timura Oshu"
  • 019. "The Decision"
  • Cursed Sword Postscript
05 2001ISBN -March 09, 2004ISBN 978-1-5918-2422-0
  • 020. "A New Master for the PaChun Sword"
  • 021. "Shyao's Resolution"
  • 022. "The Test"
  • 023. "Hyacia"
06 2001ISBN -May 04, 2004ISBN 978-1-5918-2423-7
  • 024. "The PaSa Sword Reborn"
  • 025. "The Armor of Dead Souls"
  • 026. "Jaryoon's Change of Heart"
  • 027. "An Achilles' Heel"
07 2001ISBN -July 06, 2004ISBN 978-1-5918-2424-4
  • 028. "Mujin Fortress"
  • 029. "Lady Sohwa Revealed"
  • 030. "The Way of the Sword"
  • 031. "Shyao's Decision"
08 2002ISBN -September 07, 2004ISBN 978-1-5918-2425-1
  • 032. "A Cold Heart"
  • 033. "Reunited, Only to Part"
  • 034. "A Divided Soul"
  • Supplement 1. "Red Moon"
  • Supplement 2. "Character File"
09 2002ISBN -November 02, 2004ISBN 978-1-5918-2426-8
  • 035. "Mountain of Demons"
  • 036. "Measure of Despair"
  • 037. "Visitors From the Demon Realm"
10 2002ISBN -January 11, 2005ISBN 978-1-5953-2387-3
  • 038. "A Decision"
  • 039. "Lady Shuangpang's Secret"
  • 040. "A Look Inside"
  • 041. "Temptation"
11 2002ISBN -March 08, 2005ISBN 978-1-5953-2388-0
  • 042. "Betrayed"
  • 043. "Reunion"
  • 044. "The Heavenly Tiger"
  • 045. "Storming the Fortress of Sorcerers"
12 2003ISBN -June 07, 2005ISBN 978-1-5953-2389-7
  • 046. "The Dreadnoughts"
  • 047. "Sorcerer Kumwa, the Golden Toad"
  • 048. "Undead or Alive"
  • 049. "Hyulgum, Sorcerer of the Sword"
  • 050. "The Pillar of Enchanced Souls"
13 2003ISBN -October 11, 2005ISBN 978-1-5953-2645-4
  • 051. "The Soul-Scattering Hammer"
  • 052. "Clash of Sorcerers"
  • 053. "The Sorcerer King"
  • 054. "Fistfight"
14 2003ISBN -January 10, 2006ISBN 978-1-5953-2646-1
  • 055. "Spellbound"
  • 056. "The Escape"
  • 057. "Obliteration"
  • 058. "The Return"
15 2003ISBN -May 09, 2006ISBN 978-1-5953-2647-8
  • 059. "Explosion"
  • 060. "To the Great Azure Pavilion"
  • 061. "Sages' Defeat"
  • 062. "Mother?!"
16 2004ISBN -August 29, 2006ISBN 978-1-5953-2648-5
  • 063. "Forbidden Love"
  • 064. "The Battle for the Great Azure Pavilion"
  • 065. "Incantation to Dispel Demon Souls"
  • 066. "The Sages' Last Stand?!"
17 2004ISBN -January 02, 2007ISBN 978-1-5981-6204-2
  • 067. "Destruction of the Great Azure Pavilion"
  • 068. "The Heavenly Beacon"
  • 069. "The Sealing of the Divine Realm"
  • 070. "Hyunbing and Gumno"
18 2004ISBN -May 01, 2007ISBN 978-1-5981-6205-9
  • 071. "Unification"
  • 072. "The Dog Clan"
  • 073. "Taorun's Past"
  • 074. "Off to the Mujin Fortress"
19 2004ISBN -September 04, 2007ISBN 978-1-5981-6206-6
  • 075. "Onward Into Mejin Tower"
  • 076. "Enter Jukwol"
  • 077. "Sealing the Heavenly Realm"
20 2005ISBN -January 01, 2008ISBN 978-1-4278-0147-0
  • 078. "Shouren's Past"
  • 079. "Alliance of the Human and Demon Realms"
  • 080. "Moving Forward!"
21 2005ISBN -May 06, 2008ISBN 978-1-4278-0148-7
  • 081. "Nymphs"
  • 082. "Feathers of the Dark Spirit"
  • 083. "Eyes of Wisdom"
22 2005ISBN -August 05, 2008ISBN 978-1-4278-0149-4
  • 084. "Jade Tower"
  • 085. "Two Wings"
  • 086. "Infiltration"
  • 087. "Ice Arrows"
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