Lilo and Stitch is a manga adaptation of the 2002 movie of the same name. Miho Asada wrote it. It was initially released in Japan in 2009 and later in France on November 2, 2023.
Unfortunately, this obscure Japanese Disney manga about Stitch is currently not officially licensed in English in Western countries, such as the United States.
"Blue" alert! Experiment 626 has escaped... Who better than Jumba and Pleakley to recapture it?! The hunt for the "terrible destructive monster" can finally begin! Unless Lilo, Nani, David, and "Hawaii" manage to change everything?! A great adventure full of humor, aliens, and friendship, followed by a host of stories full of humor, aliens, and friendship too: a cursed cup, a lost necklace, a "ruined" wedding, our two friends are never short of ideas to always see the bright side of life!
(English Translation of the Official French Release.)
Reference Links:[]
- Baka-Manga Updates:
- French Manga Import on American Amazon: