Ka Shin Fu (花信風?) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Makoto Tateno. The manga is licensed in English by Digital Manga Publishing, which released it in October 2007,[1] and in Germany by Egmont Manga for a projected July 2010 release.[2]
Katharine Farmar, writing for Comics Village, felt the unusual part about the story was the complex family relations and the lack of focus on the modern-day couple's relationship.[3] Holly Ellingwood, writing for Active Anime, compared the plot to classic soap operas such as Dynasty,[4] as did Leroy Douresseaux of Comic Book Bin, who recommended it to anyone who liked "tawdry drama with their yaoi".[5] Danielle Van Gorder, writing for Mania Entertainment, felt that the plot seemed in part contrived and that the shifting focus of the book left her confused.[6]
- ↑ http://www.junemanga.com/books/252/
- ↑ http://www.amazon.de/Kashinfu-Makoto-Tateno/dp/3770472012/
- ↑ http://www.comicsvillage.com/review.aspx?reviewID=698
- ↑ http://www.activeanime.com/html/content/view/2420/36/
- ↑ http://www.comicbookbin.com/kashinfu001.html
- ↑ http://www.mania.com/mangareviews/ka-shin-fu-vol01_article_83694.html
External links[]
- Ka Shin Fu (manga) at Anime News Network's Encyclopedia