Manga Wiki

Justin Ryan Cook (born April 4, 1982 in Lubbock, Texas) is the line producer for YuYu Hakusho and Fullmetal Alchemist. He is also a voice actor and does the voices of Yusuke Urameshi, Puu, and Seiryu in the English version of the YuYu Hakusho TV series, teen/adult Dende, Evil Buu, Super Buu, and Raditz in the FUNimation version of Dragon Ball Z, and Hatsuharu Sohma in the English version of Fruits Basket. He also voiced Russell Tringum in Fullmetal Alchemist. He is the cousin of Aaron Dismuke, who plays Alphonse Elric in the series. He is also the singer for the second opening of Dragon Ball Z Kai.


Video Game Roles[]

  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai - Super Buu, Raditz
  • Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi series - Super Buu, Raditz
  • Dragon Ball Z: Raging Blast - Super Buu, Raditz
  • League of Legends - Ezreal

External links[]

ar:جاستن كوك fi:Justin Cook
