Coamix Co., Ltd. is a Japanese manga and anime production company based in Tokyo partnered with Shinchosha. The company was founded on June 4, 2000, by former Weekly Shōnen Jump editor-in-chief Nobuhiko Horie (who currently serves as the company's CEO), along with manga artists Tsukasa Hojo, Tetsuo Hara, and Ryuji Tsugihara, and voice actor Akira Kamiya, among others. The company publishes the manga anthology Weekly Comic Bunch, as well as the collected editions of their titles under the Bunch Comics imprint.
Coamix was the parent company of the now-defunct North American manga publisher Gutsoon! Entertainment, which published Raijin Comics. A Japanese language edition of Raijin Comics was published by Coamix in Japan.
External links[]
- Official site (Japanese)
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